Achieving Orgasm Video – Part 3

This is my favourite and most important topic – women and how to maximize orgasms.

Here are my top tips

Get your facts right and have realistic expectations. You should be able to learn how to have orgasms with your vibrator, your finger, with your partner’s finger, with your partner’s tongue through oral sex. Only around 30% of you are going to be able to have vaginal/intercourse orgasms
Get your thoughts positive – expect the best.
Find the

right time
private time
quiet time
A time where you can really tune in to what you’re actually doing in the present moment. If you can think about everything you’re going to worry about, then you’re probably going to ‘turn off’ rather than ‘turn on’.

So first of all you need to self pleasure. Masturbation, solo sex – it’s your birthright. You can begin by lightly running your hands over your body, tuning yourself in and turning yourself on that way, before playing with your pink bits.

So here are my top tips.

You will maximise the chance of an orgasm if you

Arch your feet. Like a ballerina does.
Pointing your toes
The next thing you need to do is to contract your PC muscles (your pelvic floor). You need to pull UP, and push OUT. You can do this and time it with your breathing.

And of course, don’t breathe too much like a “wave”. When you’re pushing for orgasm, fast quick breaths is the way to peak.

You should lift up your pelvis and be willing to thrust. It’s not just a man’s prerogative to thrust, you see. So get into it, get into the feeling of it, get with the motion of it.

There are two more tricky bits. Firstly, if you can remember where your diaphragm is in your chest, push with your diaphragm, not just with your pelvic floor muscles.

And the last tip is kind of a funny one, but I’ve been told it’s a really good way to get yourself to peak. And that is to move your glottis (the little dangly bit in the back of your throat). The best way to do this if you’re having solo sex is to lie back on the bed, put your head actually over the back of the bed – that way you can actually move your glottis. This should be done at the same time you’re doing your pelvic thrusts, arching your feet, pointing your toes, pelvic floor up and down…And let it go! Enjoy 😉