Case Studies – How Some Men Learned to Achieve and Maintain Erections
Kim, 30, was shy with women. He liked women and being with them, but he couldn’t commit to anything serious.
He didn’t like the ‘macho-man’ routine that he believed some women expected. His erection problems began after a relationship break-up. He was having sex casually when he could, and had failed to achieve erections a few times.
With three-weeks counselling Kim learnt to set conditions for sex, always achieve an erection and commit to a relationship.
Harold, 55 had begun experiencing trouble getting and keeping an erection during sex. He thought it was just because he was getting older.
He was a successful performer at work. It was hard to admit that at home he was trying to cope with not being able to do what ‘came naturally to a man’. He had tried injections but hoped there was another way. Harold realised that he was trying too hard to perform, both at work and home and that he needn’t put so much pressure on himself. A few failures had ruined his confidence and he needed a gradual program to feel and be potent again.
Harold went to counselling and learned a technique called ‘sensate focus‘ and how to expand his sexual repertoire and expectations. After three weeks Harold’s erections returned better than ever!