Erection Problems

It is very common for us to see clients suffering from erectile dysfunction or men who want to know how to get a harder erection. If you experience erectile problems, you will most likely benefit from the free videos an information below. To take the next step in overcoming your erection problems, contact us to book an appointment, check out Dr Jan’s Sensational Sex audio series, or learn more about our online course in achieving and maintaining erectiions.

Achieving and Maintaining Erections

A ‘how to’ guide for men who want to rely on erections with confidence


Achieving and Maintaining Erections – Case Studies

Some examples of how men learnt how to achieve and maintain hard erections.


Erection Problem Video 1

Dr Jan discusses erectile dysfunction and how it can become a devastating problem for some men’s lives. Click ‘read more’ for a full transcript of the video.


Erection Problems Video 2

Dr Jan describes an approach for men whose erection problems are caused psychologically. Click ‘Read More’ for a transcription of this erection problems video.


Erection Problems Video 3

Dr Jan looks at physical causes of erection problems and how some men have learned to overcome these to get harder erections. Read more for a full transcript


Erection Problems Video 4

Dr Jan discusses performance anxiety and its causes. Dont forget to ‘Read More’ to view a transcript of the video.
