Achieving Orgasm Video – Part 1

Achieving Orgasms Part 1

Taken from Sex-Life Solutions

Orgasms are your birthright.

At least once a week there is a woman who comes into my clinic and asks me, “What’s wrong with me Dr Jan, all my friends have orgasms, why can’t I?”. This is usually what I hear from young women, however I also have patients up to the age of 60 who also are seeking help in achieving orgasms.

So why would you want to have an orgasm?

First of all, for your own pleasure: you deserve it! Too many women are good at giving, but do not allow themselves to receive.

Every woman can orgasm! We are all born with a capable instrument, and can all learn to create beautiful music with it.
There are also wonderful benefits for you if you allow yourself to orgasm. It’s good for your health and wellbeing. Its free, its fun, and it actually boosts you immune system. It’s a terrific substitute for a sleeping pill too.

It can even cure migraines and headaches! If you think about it – if there is a lot of blood accumulated at the top of your head and you send it somewhere else, then your headache will go away.

So I’m not saying that orgasms are the be-all and end all for sex: it’s quite possible for you to continue to enjoy fulfilling sex without having an orgasm, but WHY NOT? Let’s explore that together.

Stay tuned for the next video where I talk about orgasm triggers – that can maximize the chances that you orgasm.